
Techniques: Solid construction of a humanoid form over wire armature using needle and wet-felting. Fountain top constructed using hollow form wet-felting and shibori tying. Base and pole needle and wet-felted. Humanoid form attached with thread. Melted beeswax pored through fountain top over completed felt sculpture.
Media: Wool, yarn, thread, bees wax, wood, wire.

It is human nature and comfortable for us to align ourselves with a belief system that makes sense to us, to associate with people who share the same views, and to seek out information that validates our beliefs. This tendency to polarize is being exacerbated within today’s political and social environment: the media clearly take polarized positions and seem to focus on fueling emotions rather than presenting information; families and friends are being divided by political dissention; and politicians tend to demonize those with different views rather than engage in knowledgeable debate.

‘Polarized’ is a visual commentary on the hazards of becoming polarized. As we bath ourselves in what we want to hear and avoid re-examining our beliefs and considering other points of view, we run the risk of becoming encrusted in our own narrow mindset.