Cyril A. Troll and Edmond the Goat

Edmund the goat hopes literally to follow in the footsteps of his namesake and hero, Sir Edmund Hillary, and climb Mount Everest. He wants to put to rest the debate of how it should be done.
“Never mind no oxygen, no assistance, or whatever – I plan to be the first to do it naked” SOLD

Cyril successfully launched his career in 2013 as Library troll based on this letter of application.

Dear library folks

I hope that you will agree to me becoming your resident library troll. Up until recently I held the position of Bragg Creek bridge troll, but with the flood last spring, I have come to the conclusion that this position is no longer a viable option. Besides there hasn’t been a goat over the bridge in years and the deer are just too wily.

In exchange for room, board, and onsite use of your library materials, I can offer my services to address delinquent returns. My only condition is that any offsite retrieval missions occur between midnight and sunrise – I do not do well in sunlight. Besides, I think you will find my persuasive techniques are most effective after dark. I can also guarantee that I will not cause any loss of limb or life while on the property unless permission is provided in writing. Offsite I will use only those tactics necessary to achieve successful retrieval of your materials from members. We can negotiate the terms of this condition (for example, I suggest one finger per each month after notification of overdue materials).

Yours sincerely.
Cyril A. Troll